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Category: arinc661

Documentation concerning the ARINC 661 standard


ARINC 661 support : This article presents an overview of ARINC661 notions supported by the J661 project
ARINC extensions : Extensions add optional features to existing widgets by adding an extension block to the widget in the definition file
ARINC661 : ARINC 661 is a standard which aims to normalize the definition of a Cockpit Display System (CDS), and the communication between the CDS and User Applications (UA) which manage Aircraft avionics functions
ARINC661 protocol : The ARINC 661 protocol specifies the content of the runtime Buffers sent between the ARINC 661 Client (UA) and the ARINC 661 Server (CDS)
Animation Widgets : Animation widgets allows to perform animations on one of several properties of widgets
Attribute meta-definition : The attribute meta-definition define one ARINC 661 attribute definition which can be used in widget, extensions, symbols, or MapItems


CDS : A Cockpit Display System (or CDS), as defined in the ARINC 661 standard, is an ARINC 661 graphic Server


Definition File : The GUI definition of the Cockpit Display System interface is defined in a binary file called Definition File (or DF) defining the structure of the graphical interface tree


Event structure meta-definition : Event Structures defined in the meta-definition specify EventStructure blocks used in Server => Client runtime communication
Extension meta-definition : The extensions definitions allows to define the ARINC 661 characteristics of ARINC 661 extensions


Layer : A Layer is the top-level container of widgets in an ARINC 661 Definition File
List of ARINC661 useful MapItems : This article presents a list of ARINC661 useful MapItems and some of their Use Cases
List of ARINC661 useful extensions : This article presents a list of ARINC661 useful extensions and some of their Use Cases
List of ARINC661 useful widgets : This article presents a list of ARINC661 useful widgets and some of their Use Cases
Look Modelling : The ARINC 661 standard specifies an XML format which allows to define the Look Capacities and Definition of a CDS


Map widgets : The concepts used by the ARINC 661 standard are close to those used in User interface markup languages
MapItems : A MapItem is a dynamic element that can be presented in a vertical or horizontal Map Widget
Maps interactivity : This article presents interactivity on Maps
Meta-definition : The J661 project modules uses an XML meta-definition for all the elements managed by the standard (widgets, mapItems, etc


Parameter structure meta-definition : Parameter Structures defined in the meta-definition specify the ParameterStructure blocks used in Client => Server runtime communication


SuperLayer : The SuperLayer concept is a generalized method to define and manage Layers and Windows in a Cockpit
Symbol definition library : The Symbol Definition Library (or SDL) is a library of commands which can be used to create reusable symbols in a Definition File


UA : A User Application (or UA), as defined in the ARINC 661 standard, manage Aircraft avionics functions and communicates with a CDS
UACDS Interface : The UACDS Interface is a specification of the exchanges between a UA and a CDS, for a given Definition File
User Application : A User Application (or UA), as defined in the ARINC 661 standard, manage Aircraft avionics functions and communicates with a CDS


Value meta-definition : The value meta-definition define one value which can be one of the possible values of an enumeration attribute meta-definition


Widget attribute meta-definition : The widget or extension attribute meta-definition define one ARINC 661 attribute used in the associated widget or extension
Widget meta-definition : The widgets definitions allows to define the ARINC 661 characteristics of widgets
Widgets : A Widget is a reusable graphic component defined in the ARINC 661 standard

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