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Typed SuperLayer configuration

An typed SuperLayer configuration specifies a SuperLayer configuration where elements are defined using types and instances.

The specification can be initially more complex to define than the Inlined SuperLayer configuration, but you don't have to define the same element for each time you use it.


The following example specifies a cockpit configuration with:
  • One display with two Layouts
  • One of the windows has two Layouts
      <cockpit appliID="1" layerID="10">
            <df path="windowLayoutsLayers.xml" />
            <geom name="WindowFull" width="15000" height="10000"/>
            <geom name="Window1" width="10000" height="10000"/>      
            <geom name="Window2" width="5000" height="10000" />  
            <geom name="Window3" width="10000" height="5000" />      
            <geom name="Window4" width="10000" height="5000" />       
            <windowType name="Window1" geometry="Window1" defaultLayout="childLayout1">
               <typeRef type="childLayout1"/>      
               <typeRef type="childLayout2"/>   
            <windowType name="Window1Child" geometry="Window1">
               <layer name="Layer3" layerID="3"/>   
            <windowType name="Window2" geometry="Window2" >
               <layer name="Layer4" layerID="4"/>   
            <windowType name="Window3" geometry="Window3">
               <layer name="Layer1" layerID="1"/>   
            <windowType name="Window4" geometry="Window4">
               <layer name="Layer2" layerID="2"/>   
            <windowType name="WindowFull" geometry="WindowFull">
               <layer name="Layer5" layerID="5"/>   
            <layoutType name="layout1">
               <windowTypeRef name="Window1" type="Window1" />
               <windowTypeRef name="Window2" type="Window2" x="10000" y="0"/> 
            <layoutType name="layout2">
               <windowTypeRef name="WindowFull" type="WindowFull"/> 
            <layoutType name="childLayout1">
               <windowTypeRef name="Window3" type="Window3" /> 
               <windowTypeRef name="Window4" type="Window4" x="0" y="5000"/> 
            <layoutType name="childLayout2">
               <windowTypeRef name="Window1Child" type="Window1Child"/> 
            <displayType name="display" width="15000" height="10000" defaultLayout="layout1">
               <typeRef type="layout1"/>
               <typeRef type="layout2"/>
         <configs border="255,255,255" borderWidth="3">
            <display id="1" name="display">
               <typeRef type="display"/>  


See also

Categories: cockpit | server | user

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