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Performance tools

It is possible to monitor various informations about the Server performance in the Server console Window.

Server processing overview

The ARINC 661 Server runtime pipeline is event-driven, which means that its job is to:
  • Interpret pilot actions and send the associated events to the UA
  • Decode UA messages and update the display
The time to take the buffers sent by the UA into account contains:
  • Decode the Buffer in the Buffer reception Thread for the Channel associated with the Buffer
  • Start an updating Task in the UI framework Thread
  • Update the graphics in the UI framework Thread

The overall computing time is the sum of:
  • The Decoding time: the time to decode the Buffer
  • The Invoking time: the time to start the updating Task the UI framework Thread
  • The Updating time: the time to update the graphics

Options Window

Options in the Swing framework

The options Window can be shown with the following command in the Menu: Tools => Performance Options.
The Swing options allows to:
  • Select the Channel for which we want to see the monitoring informations. Note that if here is only one Channel (which is always the case if no Network Configuration has been defined), the associated comboBox is greyed out
  • Specify if only general or detailed informations should be presented

Options in the JavaFX framework

The options Window can be shown with the following command in the Menu: Tools => Performance Options.
The JavaFX options allows to:
  • Select the Channel for which we want to see the monitoring informations. Note that if here is only one Channel (which is always the case if no Network Configuration has been defined), the associated comboBox is greyed out
  • Specify if only general or detailed informations should be presented
  • Specify the frequency for which the informations should be computed (the default is every second). Note that it does specify the frequency on which the mean of the informations will be computed every, but it does not omit any buffer reception or processing
  • Specify which charts will be presented in the monitoring informations charts presentation (see Charts presentation options)

Charts presentation options

The available charts that can be presented for the JavaFX performance monitoring are:
  • JavaFX pulse in Frames per second
  • Total Processing time
  • Used memory
  • Buffer size

Global monitoring informations

The global performance informations present in the Server console:
  • The selected Channel
  • "D": the Decoding time mean in ms
  • "I": the Invoking time mean in ms
  • "U": the Updating time mean in ms
  • "P": the overall processing time mean in ms
If detailed informations has been selected in the options, the performance informations also present:
  • The Frames per seconds means
  • The percentage of updated Buffers compared to the number of Buffers received by the Server[1]
    Having a low value for this parameter means that the Server has difficulties to follow the User Application Buffer sending rate
In Swing:
In JavaFX:

Detailed JavaFX informations

The detailed JavaFX monitoring informations Windows can be shown with the following command in the Menu: Tools => Show Performance Details.
The following performance informations are presented:
  • Decoding: the Decoding time mean in ms
  • Invoking: the Invoking time mean in ms
  • Updating: the Updating time mean in ms
  • Processing: the overall processing time mean in ms
  • Updated: the percentage of Buffers which have been updated[1]
    Having a low value for this parameter means that the Server has difficulties to follow the User Application Buffer sending rate
  • Input Rate: the rate of the Input Buffer in frames per second
  • Input Rate: the rate of the Input Buffer in frames per second
  • FPS: the Frames per seconds means
  • Maximum Buffer Size: the maicumum size of the input buffer
  • Pulse JFX

JavaFX charts

The JavaFX performance charts Windows can be shown with the following command in the Menu: Tools => Show Charts.
Depending on the presentation options, the following charts can be presented:
  • JavaFX pulse in Frames per second
  • Total Processing time
  • Used memory
  • Buffer size

Further informations

Logging and debugging

A ways to see if the Server receives too many Buffers and can't handle them all is to look the percentage of input Buffers which are skipped. This can be seen by looking at the global performance informations, or by setting the eventQueue.showSkippedEvents property.

Java Console Troubleshooting

It is possible to attach a Java console to the Server process, which shows various informations about the memory usage. This also allows to dump the content of the memory at any time. The JVM options are:


  1. ^ [1] [2] Having a low value for this parameter means that the Server has difficulties to follow the User Application Buffer sending rate

See also

Categories: dev | performance | server | user

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