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JavaFX CSS properties types

    1  Fonts
       1.1  Example
    2  General properties
       2.1  Sizes
          2.1.1  Example
       2.2  Dash patterns
          2.2.1  Example
       2.3  Haloing
          2.3.1  Example
       2.4  Padding
          2.4.1  Example
    3  Notes
    4  See also

This article explains a few useful CSS proerties type for the JavaFX CSS configuration.


The following CSS elements can be define for a font:
  • "-fx-font-family": The font family
  • "-fx-font-size": The font size
  • "-fx-font-style": the font style, which can be "normal", "italic", or "oblique"
  • "-fx-font-weight": The font weight, which can be "normal", "bold", or "bolder"
Note that fonts used in the CSS configuration are defined by their font family. Therefore if you want to use a font which is not installed on the platform in the CSS configuation file, you will have to define it in the Graphics configuration to perform the binding[1]


      -fx-font-family: 'MyFontFamily';
      -fx-font-size: 14.4;

General properties


The Pattern for sizes can be one of the following:
  • <value> or <value>px for a value in pixels
  • <value>mm for a value in millimeters
  • <value>in for a value in inches


      -fx-stroke-width: 12mm;

Dash patterns

The dash Patterns can define a series of visible and invisible segments. The Pattern is: <size> [<size>]+. Every element of the Pattern define the size of one visible and invisible segment. On the case of only one value, each segment will have the same size.


      -fx-dash-array: 2mm 1mm;


Haloing around a Shape can be defined with the -fx-effect property, with an associated dropShadow:
      -fx-effect : dropshadow(<type>, <color>, <radius>, <spread>, <offsetX>, <offsetY>)
The meaning of the arguments is:
  • "type": law type. Can have one of the following values: gaussian, one-pass-box, three-pass-box,two-pass-box[2]
    gaussian seems to have the best results
  • "color": the color of the halo[3]
    Normally you would want to use "black" for the color
  • "radius": the blur radius of the halo (which is a float value between 0 and 127). This value controls the width of the haloing around the pixels on which the halo is applied
  • "spread": the zone on which the halo is applied(which is a float value between 0 and 1)[4]
    For the value 0, all the halo will be blurred (on all the radius). For the value 1, all the halo will be sharp (on all the radius)
  • "offsetX": the offset on the X axis of the halo relative to the shape[5]
    Choose 0 for a better result
  • "offsetY": the offset on the Y axis of the halo relative to the shape[5]
    Choose 0 for a better result


      -fx-effect: dropshadow(gaussian, black, 0.3, 1.0, 0, 0);


The padding of a widget define the spacing between the widget (usually a text) and its bouding box. The format is: <size> <size> <size> <size>. The order of the elements is: top, right, bottom, left. If only one size is defined, all sizes will be identical.

The following diagram present a top left padding:


      -fx-effect: -fx-padding: 2mm 2mm 1mm 1mm;


  1. ^ See resolving fonts used in the Look and Feel

  2. ^ gaussian seems to have the best results
  3. ^ Normally you would want to use "black" for the color
  4. ^ For the value 0, all the halo will be blurred (on all the radius). For the value 1, all the halo will be sharp (on all the radius)
  5. ^ [1] [2] Choose 0 for a better result

See also

Categories: jfx | lookandfeel | server | user

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