Client : A Stand-alone User Application engine wrapper
Client API : The Client API allows to create a generic User Application and use it to send Buffers to a CDS
Client API for MapItems : This article explains how to use the CLient API to send BufferOfMapItems
Client configuration properties : The Client configuration properties allows to specify the configuration of the Client at start
Client tutorial : This tutorial explains how to use the Client
Clippings : The "clippings" element in the XML graphics definition File regroup definition of clippings
Common configuration properties : The Common configuration properties are configuration properties used by both the Server and the Client
Configuration properties format : This articles present the two formats that can be used to set the Server or Client configuration properties
Data provider equations : This article explains the Data provider equation syntax for the Embedded Client Data provider configuration
Developing a J661 extension : This article explains how to develop a J661 extension
Developing a plugin : This article explains how to develop a Plugin
Distribution : The distribution of the components of the J661 project is available on sourceforge at the following address:
Embed Client : The Embed Client integrates a Client and a Server in the same application, and specifies the behavior of the Client User Application through an XML file
Embed Client Data provider : This article explains the Data provider configuration for the Embedded Client
Embedded Client : The Embed Client integrates a Client and a Server in the same application, and specifies the behavior of the Client User Application through an XML file
Extending : This article is about extending the components of the J661 project
Extensions : J661 extensions allow to extend the behavior of the Server or Client
Extensions manifest properties : This article explains how to define specific configuration properties for J661 extensions
Fonts : The "fonts" element in the XML graphics definition File regroup definition of fonts They will be used for all widgets which uses a font index
Graphics definition : The graphics definition is an XML file which is defined in the properties file with the properties "graphics"
J661 extension : J661 extensions allow to extend the behavior of the Server or Client
J661 extension manifest properties : This article list the possible manifest properties for a J661 extension
MapClient Plugin : The MapClient Plugin allows to set the content of BufferOfItems in the Client
Masks : The "clippings" element in the XML graphics definition File regroup definition of clippings
Network : The J661 project allows to specify the configutation of the Network which allows the UA (Client) and the CDS (Server) to communicate at runtime
Network configuration : The XML Network configuration file specifies the configuration of the Network for a Client / Server communication
Pictures definition : The pictures definition is an XML file which is defined in the properties file with the properties "pictures"
Plugin : Plugins allow to add functionalities to a client, server, or editor
Project architecture : This article presents the J661 project architecture
Protocol : A protocol is bound to an underlying network which hold the characteristics of the "port" used for its communication