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Map Items 3D

Map3DItems are similar to Maps Items for 2D Maps, but they have three coordinates rather than two. The currently available items are:
  • Cloud Cell 3D: it is a particule of cloud. Each map item display 6 particules forming a sphere with a empty center. It uses a simple 2D texture whch is always facing the camera. When multiple particule are displayed, they are reordered to respect their Z order
  • Field Cell 3D: to display a part of the world field. it's using SRTM files. See Field 3D
  • Dropline 3D: this a line who show where a object is from the field or the aircraft.
  • Line 3D: this a map item who can be used to display a trajectory (it's look like a ribbon)
  • Ribbon 3D: this a map item who can be used to display a trajectory, it's look like a ribbon with tickness. Yet, the ribbon has a constant size when the camera distance increases or decreases from it to always see it easely
  • Winder Rose: unused map item who display the degree orientation of the camera according to the north
  • Symbol Rotated 3D: This map item can loaded a model 3D from an fxml file, like the 3d aircraft model. So it can be used to display and orient any 3d model
  • Flight plan part and Approach Symbol: Those 2 map items are used to display many symbol used in flight plan, like waypoints, LightSymbols, ILSBean... The Navigation Symbols are 2D icon who facing always the camera. Maybe some item can be move to symbol rotated 3D, other are 2D billboarded items and other are 3D symbol who don't need specific orientation (like waypoint).
  • Image Pane 3D: Can display a image
  • Light 3D: this map item isn't yet developped but it could be used to define light on map items

Some of map item support click to open menu (like waypoint) or center on it (like symbol rotated 3D).

Location of 3D Map items

Most of map Items 3D have a X,Y,Z parameters which are used to specify their locations on the 3D environment.

The X,Y,Z correspond to the first, second and third parameters of the position. Their signicance change according to the selected M3DDataFormat using in the map3Dsource widget. See Maps 3D architecture.

Types of Map3D Items

Symbol Rotated 3D

The Symbol Rotated 3D Map3DItem is the equivalent to the Symbols MapItems. They show a Symbol which should have a specified 3D Model in the 3D world. See 3D Models for informations on how to create or edit 3D Models usable in the 3D Maps.

Two kinds of Symbols can be used:
  • Built-in symbols
  • Symbols using an FXML model

Scaler 3D

Some Map item allow to perform a auto scale according to the camera distance and them to be display with a constant visual size, or between a min and max visual size.

The scaler 3D allow two parameters, with them you can specify an min and max visual screen size of map item:
  • farScaleRatioMin: the minimum visual ratio scale of the object. If you zoom out more, the node will be auto-resized by a scale adjustment (this only occurs if you use the method scale with keep aspect ratio to true)
  • nearScaleRatioMax: the maximum visual ratio scale of the object. If you zoom in more, the node will be auto-resized by a scale adjustment (this only occurs if you use the method scale with keep aspect ratio to true)

See also

Categories: jfx | maps3d | server | user

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