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3D Billboard Manager

The Billboard is a technique to orient a 2D element making its face always fronting another element. Most of time, this element is the camera, which makes the 2D Node always showing the same face to user.

The maps3D project offers 3 class for Java FX to perform billboard operations:
  • A main class call BillboardBehavior which contains the Billboard code and provide static method to get directly a billboard effect between 2 nodes. It can be used to simply make a billboard effect between two Nodes
  • Two managers listing nodes to billboard and make billboard very easy to manage:
    • BillBoardManagerManualUpdate : A manual billboard manager to make some Nodes to billboard another. For performances reasons, this the one used in Maps 3D Environment. The node to billboard is set as the active camera)
    • BillBoardManagerAutoUpdate : An automatic billboard manager to make some Nodes to facing the camera. The code need to be update to face other node than the camera[1]
      This a Work to do!


  1. ^ This a Work to do!

Categories: dev | jfx | maps3d

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