class. We can easily imagine a widget A661_WINDER_ROSE added to the Maps3D widget which would set those properties as attributes or with CSS properties[1]
class://size of the winder rose public static final int RADIUS = 100; //size of North, East, West, South Tick public static final int DIRECTIONAL_TICK_SIZE = 15; //size of intermediate tick public static final int INTERMEDIATE_TICK_SIZE = 10; //size of intermediate tick (0 make a simple point visible inside circle) public static final int TINY_TICK_SIZE = 0; //Color of North, East, West, South tick private final Color DIRECTIONAL_FILL = Color.WHITE; //Color of Intermediate tick private final Color INTERMEDIATE_FILL = Color.WHITE; //Color of tiny tick private final Color TINY_FILL = Color.WHITE; //Color of text private final Color TEXT_FILL = Color.WHITE; //Color of circle private final Color CIRCLE_FILL = new Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.2); //Color of border's circle private final Color CIRCLE_BORDER = Color.WHITE; //Width of border's circle private final int BORDER_WIDTH = 2; //Scale (Ratio Size) of the text from default policy private static final double SCALE_TEXT = 0.8;
class for more details about it.Copyright 2016-2017 Dassault Aviation. All Rights Reserved. Documentation and source under the LGPL v2 licence