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Widget attribute meta-definition

Attribute definition

The widget or extension attribute meta-definition define one ARINC 661 attribute used in the associated widget or extension. Note that the attributes are ordered as in the binary Definition File.

For each attribute we have the following XML attributes:
  • "arincID": its ARINC String ID (example: "A661_VISIBLE"). This ARINC ID refer to one attribute global definition (which specifies the attribute hexadecimal ID, type, enumerations for attributes which specify enumerations, etc...)
  • "name: Its ARINC name used in the XML Definition File)

The following XML attributes are optional, and their presence depend of the attribute type:
  • "maxLength": For a String attribute, points to the attribute defining the maximum length of the String
  • "maxSize": For a Array attribute, points to the attribute defining the maximum size of the Array
  • "size": For an Array attribute, points to the attribute defining the size of the Array
  • "pad": Define if this attribute must be padded to a 32 bits boundary (true by default). Some attributes (for example "A661_STRING" in A661_TOGGLE_BUTTON are not padded. In that case, the padding will be performed for the next first attribute that is defined to be padded.
  • "type": the indication if the widget if runtime, design-time, or both. Note by by default the attribute is considered as design-time, and the presence of the attribute in the list of UA messages will define it as also runtime:
    • "R": runtime only
    • "E": event only


      <widgetAttr name="Visible" arincID="A661_VISIBLE">
Event attribute:
      <widgetAttr name="EntryValidation" arincID="A661_ENTRY_VALID" runtimeType="R">
An attribute which is not padded:
      <widgetAttr name="FormatString" arincID="A661_FORMAT_STRING" maxLength="_MAXFORMATSTRINGLENGTH" pad="false">
An array attribute:
      <widgetAttr name="OrientationArray" arincID="_ANGLE_ARRAY" size="_NB_SYMBOLS">
The "OrientationArray" attribute maximum size is specified by the attribute of the ARINC ID _ANGLE_ARRAY.

A String attribute:
      <widgetAttr name="LabelString" arincID="A661_STRING" maxLength="_MAXSTRINGLENGTH">
The "LabelString" attribute maximum String length is specified by the attribute of the ARINC ID _MAXSTRINGLENGTH.

ARINC 661 properties padding

Padding in the binary Definition File can be used by adding "pad" nodes. Paddings only server to be sure that the following rules are fulfilled:
  • 32 bits and arrays of 32 bits attributes must be aligned on 32 bits
  • The end of the binary specification for a widget or extension must be aligned on 32 bits
There are several possible padding definitions:
  • 8 bit pad (uchar): <pad size="8bit"/>
  • 16 bit pad (ushort): <pad size="16bit"/>
  • 24 bit pad: <pad size="24bit"/>
  • 32 bit pad: <pad size="32bit"/>

See also

Categories: arinc661 | dev | meta

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