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Attribute meta-definition

The attribute meta-definition define one ARINC 661 attribute definition which can be used in widget, extensions, symbols, or MapItems.

For each attribute we have the following XML attributes:
  • "arincID": the attribute ARINC ID (example: "A661_VISIBLE"). Note that there is a rule which allows to know if the attribute correspond to a runtime attribute:
    • If the name begins with "_" (underscore): the name correspond to a design-time-only attribute. Exemple: _SIZE
    • If the name begins with "A661_": the name correspond to a runtime attribute. Exemple: A661_VISIBLE
  • "type": the attribute type, which refer to the data types
  • "hexID": (optional) the hexadecimal ID (present only if the attribute can be used at runtime)

If the attribute is an enumeration, the element will have "attrValue" elements, which represent the possible values that the attribute can have.


Simple design time-only attribute:
      <attr arincID="_SIZE" type="long"/>
Simple runtime attribute:
      <attr arincID="A661_VISIBLE" type="bool" hexID="0xB530"/>
Enumeration attribute:
      <attr arincID="A661_INNER_STATE_TOGGLE" type="bool" hexID="0xB258">
         <attrValue arincID="A661_UNSELECTED"/>
         <attrValue arincID="A661_SELECTED"/>

See also

Categories: arinc661 | dev | meta

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