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The J661 project provides a standalone Cockpit Display System (ARINC 661 kernel or Server). There are two GUI implementations for the Server:
  • A Swing implementation of the Server
  • A JavaFX implementation of the Server
The architecture of the Server would allow to add other implementations (for example Android).

Starting the Server

Swing Server

The command line to launch a Swing ARINC 661 Server (CDS kernel) is:
      java -jar swingServer.jar -config=<configuration File>
With <configuration File> being the properties File defining the Server configuration. It is also possible to launch the Swing ARINC 661 Server without providing a configuration by java -jar swingServer.jar, in that case, a dialog will ask which file must be used for the configuration.

JavaFX Server

The command line to launch a JavaFX ARINC 661 Server (CDS kernel) is:
      java -jar jfxServer.jar -config=<configuration File>
With configuration File being the properties File defining the Server configuration. It is also possible to launch the JavaFX. ARINC 661 Server without providing a configuration by java -jar jfxServer.jar, in that case, a dialog will ask which file must be used for the configuration.

Launch arguments

  • -version: prints the version of the Server and exit
  • -help: prints the version of the Server and several help topics, and exit
  • -config=<config file>: launch the Server with the configuration properties defined in the File
  • -df=<file1; file2;...>: pre-load the files defined in the List for the Server
  • -defines=<key1;key2;...>: set the et of keys which will be used for the "defines" elements in the configuration file, if using the XML format
  • -userDir=<user directory>: force the user directory
  • -pluginsDir:<directory 1; directory 2;...>: force the locations of directories for the Plugins

Look and Feel

The ARINC 661 standard specifies the Layout and the runtime behavior of the Server, but it does not specify the Look and Feel of the widgets composing the interface. The J661 Server configuration allows to specify the widgets Look and Feel.

Server console

By default a console is showing alongside the display winbdows for the Server. This console provides:
  • An area showing Server messages

Performance considerations

See Performance tools for c, and Performance considerations for general considerations on how to improve the performance of the Server.

See also

Categories: jfx | server | swing | user

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