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Maps3D internal properties

These properties are internal configuration properties specifically used by the maps3D. All these properties are hard-coded but should be specified through the Map3dWidget. These internal parameters are hardcoded, but they probably need to be extracted to be set them as configuration properties.

Day and night properties

Several properties allow to configure how day / night behavior for the Map3dWidget is handled:
  • sunCanMove = false: specifies if the Sun movement during day is taken into account
  • alwaysNearZenith = false: if true and the Sun moves, the Sun will only rotate around the Zenith (light between 10h00-16h00)
  • FPS = 60: specifies the Frames per second of the Map3D Weather Time Manager, including the Sun movement. This parameter will prevail on the parameter with the same name hardcoded on the 3D Weather Manager
      public class Map3DRenderer extends AbstractMapRenderer {
      //sun light
      private static final int FPS = 60;
      private final boolean sunCanMove = false;
      private final boolean alwaysNearZenith = false;
These properties are hard-coded in the Map3DRenderer class but should be specified through configuration properties.

Selection properties

It is possible to configure how Map Items 3D selections will be handled:
  • internalMap3Dselection = false: use an internal 3D selection. By default a Map item selection (like with maps items 2D) is used. Note that I don't clearly see what are the differences between the default selection and this one (which is not enabled in the code)
  • removeItemSelection = false: used to disable all types of selections
      public class Map3DRenderer extends AbstractMapRenderer {
      public static boolean internalMap3Dselection = false;
It is hard-coded in the Map3DRenderer class but should be specified through the Map3dWidget.

Winder rose properties

The Winder Rose is always visible in the Map3D widget. It is hard-coded in the Map3DRenderer class but should be specified through configuration properties.
      public class Map3DRenderer extends AbstractMapRenderer {
      //winder rose 2D
      private final boolean showWinderRose = true;

Projection properties

There are two specific properties for the 3D projection:
  • SCALE_PROJECTION = 0.03333: adapts the distance scale between objects
  • SCALE_PROJECTION_Z_RATIO = 4.0: specifies the projection ratio to be applied on the 3D Items Z coordinates before viewing them by the Camera. It allows to better see the altitudes differences on the Map3D. This also impact the Field 3D
These properties are hard-coded in the MapLM3DProjection class but should be specified through configuration properties.

      public static final double SCALE_PROJECTION = 0.03333;
      public static double SCALE_PROJECTION_Z_RATIO = 4.0;     

Camera properties

The Camera properties specify at which speed the Camera position and orientation will be modified relative to user drag events.
      public class Camera3DController {
      private static final double MOUSE_SPEED = 0.1; //speed of mouse/touch
      private static final double ROTATION_SPEED = 2.0; //speed of rotation
      private final double ZOOM_MULTIPLIER = 300.0; // zoom
These properties are hard-coded in the Camera3DController class but should be specified through through configuration properties.

Fields static parameters

Some parameters for 3D terrain rendering are hardcoded.

In the Map3DRenderer class

  • FIELD_RESOLUTION_OF_MANAGER = 300: The default resolution of the Map3DFieldManager. The Field Cell 3D Map3DItems has an attribute allowing override this parameter value

In the SrtmPlot class

  • DEFAULT_VALUE_WHEN_NODATA = -150: The default value to set for a cell when no data value is found in a SRTM file. When loading an SRTM file, we can found no value for a cell. Most of the time, it is because is the water, of because data have been lost. This is the default value to give to the plot plot on those points
  • LOADING_COLOR = new Color(0.85, 1, 0.80, 1): When a SRTM file is loaded, a plot with no elevation is displayed by default for the whoile area covered by the SRTM file. This color allows to show something even in the cells where there is no data in the SRTM file[1]
    The color is a variant of Green
  • texturedMode: There are three modes for the texturing the plots[2]
    It will be used for the diffuseMap of the plots
    : The mode is currently hardcoded to PALETTE. See SRTM characteristics for more information.
    • IMAGE_JPG_PNG: Try to load a jpg (or if not found a png file) if it exists on the SRTM plot
    • IMAGE_PNG_JPG Try to load a png (or if not found a jpg file) if it exists on the SRTM plot
    • PALETTE: Load an elevation palette[3]
      Beware that the palette itelf is hard coded in the SrtmPlot file

Renderers parameters

There is a renderersParameters.properties internal file who help to define two hardcoded properties:
  • legendMaxCamDistance: when the camera distance between the legend and the camera is greater than it, the legends on the flight plan part elements won't appear
  • legendMaxLookAtCamDistance: when the camera distance is greater than it (remember, camera distance is between the camera and his looked point), the legends on the flight plan part elements will disappear. This value is ignored in A661_CAMERA_DIRECTION mode


  1. ^ The color is a variant of Green
  2. ^ It will be used for the diffuseMap of the plots
  3. ^ Beware that the palette itelf is hard coded in the SrtmPlot file

See also

Categories: conf | maps3d

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