Component Specific Properties

The look, and to some degree the feel of Synth can be customized by way of component specific properties. These properties are accessed from SynthStyle#get. Refer to synth file format for examples of how to specify these properties in a synth configuration file.

This file specifies the expected class type each of the values are to take. The behavior of supplying the wrong type is unspecified: typically a ClassCastException is thrown, but it is implementation specific.


ArrowButton is a special type of JButton that renders an arrow. ArrowButton is typically not created directly, rather some of the Components will create it to render a button with an arrow. The components that make use of ArrowButton are: JComboBox, JScrollBar and JSplitPane (for the buttons on the divider). In addition to the Button properties, ArrowButton supports the following propeties:

ArrowButton Specific Properties
Property Expected Type Default Value Description
ArrowButton.size Integer 16 Preferred size of the arrow button.


JButton paints text using the TEXT_FOREGROUND ColorType. In addition to the Button properties, JButton supports the following property:

JButton Specific Properties
Property Expected Type Default Value Description
Button.defaultButtonFollowsFocus Boolean true Whether or not the default JButton should change to the button that is receiving focus.


JCheckBox paints text using the TEXT_FOREGROUND ColorType. In addition to the Button properties, JCheckBox supports the following property:

JCheckBox Specific Properties
Property Expected Type Default Value Description
CheckBox.icon Icon null Icon used to render the check.


JComboBox is a composite component that consists of the following child Components:

Name Type Description
ComboBox.arrowButton SynthArrowButton Renders the drop down indicator.
ComboBox.list JList JList used to render the values.
ComboBox.listRenderer Component The renderer used for the JComboBox's JList.
ComboBox.popup JPopupMenu JPopupMenu used to show the ComboBox.list of the JComboBox.
ComboBox.renderer Component The renderer used for the JComboBox. This is ONLY set if the renderer is a UIResource.
ComboBox.scrollPane JScrollPane JScrollPane containing the JList.
ComboBox.textField JTextField The editor.

JComboBox Specific Properties
Property Expected Type Default Value Description
ComboBox.showPopupOnNavigation Boolean false Whether or not the JPopupMenu should appear when navigating with the keyboard.


JFileChooser Specific Properties
Property Expected Type
Default Value
Icon displayed on cancel button of the file chooser.
Icon displayed on the ok button of the file chooser.


JInternalFrame Specific Properties
Expected Type
Icon null
Icon drawn representing the system
icon of the internal frame.  If pressed
the system menu will be shown.


JInternalFrameTitlePane is the control bar located at the top of the internal frame similar to that found in a frame.

JInternalFrameTitlePane Specific Properties
Expected Type
Default Value
Icon null
Icon drawn to indicate the ability to maximize the internal frame.
Icon null
Icon drawn to indicate the ability to restore the internal frame back to its previous state.
Icon null
Icon drawn to indicate the ability to minimize the internal frame.
Icon null
Icon drawn to indicate the abililty to close the internal frame.


JList's sets the name of the renderer to List.renderer. JList supports the following properties:

JList Specific Properties
Property Expected Type Default Value Description
List.rendererUseListColors Boolean true If true the renderers state is not updated, and the text colors come from JList's getSelectionBackground and getSelectionForeground methods. If false, the renderer's state is updated and the colors will instead come from the Style.
List.rendererUseUIBorder Boolean true If true setBorder on the renderer will succeed regardless of the border passed in, otherwise setBorder on the renderer will only succeed if it is a Synth Border.
List.cellHeight Integer -1 Cell height of the JList. Is this is -1, setFixedCellHeight is not invoked.

Menu Properties

The Menu classes (JCheckBoxMenuItem, JMenu, JMenuItem, and JRadioButtonMenuItem) all support the same set of properties and behave similarly. Each component consists of two Regions: the region specific to the component and Region.MENU_ITEM_ACCELERATOR. MENU_ITEM_ACCELERATOR is used for painting the accelerator. Both Regions paint text using the TEXT_FOREGROUND ColorType. The following set of properties are supported:

Property Expected Type Default Value Description
prefix.acceleratorDelimiter String + String separator between the description of the modifiers and the key, for example Ctrl <acceleratorDelimiter> X.
prefix.arrowIcon Icon null Icon drawn to the right of the text (or left when the ComponentOrientation is right to left) of the text. This is typically only defined for JMenu.
prefix.checkIcon Icon null Icon drawn to the left of the text (or right when the ComponentOrientation is right to left) of the text. This is typically only defined for JCheckBoxMenuItem and JRadioButtonMenuItem to provide the check or radio button.
prefix.margin Insets Empty Insets (0, 0, 0, 0) Margin for the JMenuItem. Refer to the javadoc of javax.swing.AbstractButton#setMargin(java.awt.Insets) for details of how the margin is used.
prefix.textIconGap Integer 4 Padding between the icon and text. Refer to the javadoc for javax.swing.AbstractButton#setIconTextGap(int) for details of how this is used.

Prefix is one of: CheckBoxMenuItem, Menu, MenuItem, or RadioButtonMenuItem.

JMenu also supports the following properties:

Property Expected Type Default Value Description
Menu.delay Integer 200 Sets the delay before the menu appears.
Menu.shortcutKeys int[] KeyEvent.ALT_MASK Array of the KeyEvent modifiers to use for shortcut keys.


JOptionPane is a composite component and may consist of numerous child components, they are: OptionPane.button, OptionPane.label, OptionPane.comboBox, OptionPane.scrollPane, OptionPane.list, OptionPane.textField, OptionPane.iconLabel.

JOptionPane Specific Properties
Property Expected Type Default Value Description
OptionPane.buttonAreaBorder Border null Border around the button area.
OptionPane.buttonClickThreshhold Integer 0 Passed to the created buttons setMultiClickThreshhold.
OptionPane.buttonOrientation Integer SwingConstants.CENTER How the buttons should be layed out, one of SwingConstants.LEFT, SwingConstants.RIGHT or SwingConstants.CENTER (this will be flipped when in a right to left locale).
OptionPane.buttonPadding Integer 6 Amount of space between buttons.
OptionPane.cancelIcon Icon null Icon for the cancel button.
OptionPane.errorIcon Icon null Icon used for ERROR_MESSAGE.
OptionPane.informationIcon Icon null Icon used for INFORMATION_MESSAGE.
OptionPane.isYesLast Boolean false If true the 'yes' button leads other buttons, otherwise it follows the other buttons.
OptionPane.questionIcon Icon null Icon used for error QUESTION_MESSAGE.
OptionPane.minimumSize Dimension 262x90 Minimum size for the JOptionPane.
OptionPane.noIcon Icon null Icon for the no button.
OptionPane.okIcon Icon null Icon for the ok button.
OptionPane.sameSizeButtons Boolean true Whether or not all the buttons should be the same size.
OptionPane.separatorPadding Integer 6 Amount of padding between the message area and separator.
OptionPane.yesIcon Icon null Icon for the yes button.
OptionPane.warningIcon Icon null Icon used for error WARNING_MESSAGE


JProgressBar Specific Properties
Property Expected Type
Default Value
Number of milliseconds between repaints for indeterminate progress bars.
Number of milliseconds used to determine how far to move
the bouncing box per frame when the progress bar is indeterminate.


JRadioButton paints text using the TEXT_FOREGROUND ColorType. In addition to the Button properties, JRadioButton supports the following property:

JRadioButton Specific Properties
Property Expected Type Default Value Description
RadioButton.icon Icon null Icon used to render the radio indicator.


JScrollBar is a composite component that consists of the following child Components:

Name Type Description
ScrollBar.button SynthArrowButton Identifies the increment/decrement buttons.

JScrollBar Specific Properties
Property Expected Type Default Value Description
ScrollBar.allowsAbsolutePositioning Boolean false If true, middle mouse click in the track will set the position of the track to where the mouse is.
ScrollBar.maximumThumbSize Dimension 4096x4096 Maximum thumb size.
ScrollBar.squareButtons Boolean false If true, the width and height of the scrollbar buttons will be made equal.
ScrollBar.thumbHeight Integer 14 Minimum thumb size.
ScrollBar.hasButtons Boolean true false if the Scrollbar has no increment or decrement buttons. This is a new property of the synth2 implementation


All of the separator classes, JSeparator, JPopupMenu.Separator and JToolBar.Separator use the same property:

Property Expected Type Default Value Description
Separator.thickness Integer 2 Preferred width, for vertically aligned separators, or preferred height for horizontally aligned separators. The resulting preferred size will include the Insets.

JToolBar.Separator also supports the following property:

Property Expected Type Default Value Description
ToolBar.separatorSize Dimension null The value of this is passed to the javax.swing.JToolBar$Separator#setSeparatorSize(java.awt.Dimension) method. If unspecified setSeparatorSize is not invoked.


JScrollPane is unique in that it provides a method for setting the Border around the JViewport with JViewport throwing an IllegalArgumentException from setBorder. To accomodate this a special border is installed on the JScrollPane that uses the insets from the key ScrollPane.viewportBorderInsets. The SynthPainter method paintViewportBorder is called to paint the Viewports border.

JScrollPane Specific Properties
Property Expected Type Default Value Description
ScrollPane.viewportBorderInsets Insets null Insets for the viewport Border.


JSplitPane is a composite component that will contain a divider and potentially two buttons, if setOneTouchExpandable(true) has been invoked. The two buttons will be named: SplitPaneDivider.leftOneTouchButton and SplitPaneDivider.rightOneTouchButton.

JSplitPane Specific Properties
Property Expected Type Default Value Description
SplitPane.centerOneTouchButtons Boolean true If true, the one touch buttons are centered on the divider.
SplitPane.oneTouchButtonOffset Integer 2 Distance between the one touch buttons.
SplitPane.oneTouchButtonSize Integer 6 Size to make the one touch buttons.
SplitPane.oneTouchExpandable Boolean null If non null, the value of this is passed to setOneTouchExpandable.
SplitPane.size Integer 6 Size of the divider


JSlider Specific Properties
Expected Type
Default Value
Width of the slider thumb
Height of the slider thumb
Width of the track border
Whether or not to paint the current value
of the slider.


JTabbedPane Specific Properties
Property Expected Type
Default Value
Number of pixels to overlap tabs when there is more than one row.
Padding added between the icon and text on a tab. If there is no text or icon this value is not used.
Empty Insets (0, 0, 0, 0)
Extra insets added to the selected tab.
If true the selection of the tabbed pane changes as the user navigates the tabs with a mouse.


JTable sets the name of the renderer to Table.cellRenderer. JTable supports the following properties:

JTable Specific Properties
Property Expected Type Default Value Description
Table.gridColor Color null Color used for the grid. If null the foreground from the style is used.
Table.rendererUseTableColors Boolean true If true the renderers state is not updated, and the text colors come from JTable's getSelectionBackground and getSelectionForeground methods. If false, the renderer's state is updated and the colors will instead come from the Style.
Table.rendererUseUIBorder Boolean true If true setBorder on the renderer will succeed regardless of the border passed in, otherwise setBorder on the renderer will only succeed if it is a Synth Border.
Table.rowHeight Integer -1 If not -1 setRowHeight is invoked on the JTable.


JTree sets the name of the renderer to Tree.renderer, the name of the editor is Tree.cellEditor.

JTree Specific Properties
Property Expected Type Default Value Description
Tree.collapsedIcon Icon null Icon to use when a node is collapsed.
Tree.drawHorizontalLines Boolean true If true nodes have a horizontal connecting them to the leading edge of their parent.
Tree.drawVerticalLines Boolean true If true a vertical line is drawn down from expanded nodes.
Tree.expandedIcon Icon null Icon to use when a node has been expanded.
Tree.leftChildIndent Integer 0 This plus Tree.rightChildIndent account for the total space, along the y axis, to offset nodes from their parent.
Tree.rightChildIndent Integer 0 This plus Tree.leftChildIndent account for the total space, along the y axis, to offset nodes from their parent.
Tree.rowHeight Integer -1 Row height for the Tree.
Tree.scrollsHorizontallyAndVertically Boolean false If false, if scrolling needs to happen to accomodate cells it will only happen along the vertical axis, if false, scrolling may happen along both the horizontal and vertical axis.
Tree.scrollsOnExpand Boolean true Whether or not the JTree should scroll when a node is expanded.


JToggleButton paints text using the TEXT_FOREGROUND ColorType. In addition to the Button properties, JToggleButton supports the following property:

JToggleButton Specific Properties
Property Expected Type Default Value Description
ToggleButton.icon Icon null Icon used to render the radio indicator.

Button Properties

Each of the Button classes (JButton, JCheckBox, JRadioButton, JToggleButton and SynthArrowButton) support a similar set of properties. These properties are:

Property Expected Type Default Value Description
prefix.contentAreaFilled Integer true Refer to the javadoc of javax.swing.AbstractButton#contentAreaFilled(boolean) for details of how this is used. It is up to the Painter to properly honor this property.
prefix.iconTextGap Integer If unspecified, JButton.setIconTextGap is not invoked. Padding between the icon and text. Refer to the javadoc of javax.swing.AbstractButton#setIconTextGap(int) for details of how this is used.
prefix.margin Insets Empty Insets (0, 0, 0, 0) Margin for the JButton. Refer to the javadoc of javax.swing.AbstractButton#setMargin(java.awt.Insets) for details of how the margin is used.
prefix.textShiftOffset Integer 0 Amount to shift the text and icon, along the x and y axis, from where it would normally be layed out. This is only used when the button is in a pressed state and does not have a pressed icon.

Prefix is one of: Button, CheckBox, RadioButton or JToggleButton.

Text Properties

Property Expected Type
Default Value
#000000 Color of the caret.
Insets Empty Insets (0, 0, 0, 0),
EditorPane and TextPane (3, 3, 3, 3)
Margins of the text component.
Number of milliseconds defining the blink rate fo the caret.

Prefix is one of: EditorPane, FormattedTextField, PasswordField, TextArea, TextField or TextPane.